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Opto-electro-thermo Integration Laboratory Room No.: IL-506 Phone: +886-3-4227151-65029
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Prof. Te-Yuan Chung


Key Areas

High Power Laser, Solid State Laser, Laser System Design, Thermal Management

Research Descriptions

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Publications and Patents
Journal Papers
1 1. Te-yuan Chung*, Chung-Hao Wang, Kai-Jay Chang, Szu-Yu Chen, Hsin-Hsin Hsieh, Chao-Ping Huang, and Ching-Hsiao Arthur Cheng, “Evaluation of the spatial distribution of series and shunt resistance of a solar cell using dark lock-in thermography”, J. of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, Iss. 3, p. 034901, (2014-01). (IF=2.21) 2. Te-Yuan Chung*, Yu-Hua Hsieh, Chi-Chun Liao and Ching-Hsiao Arthur Cheng, “Transverse modes of a laser using VBG as the cavity mirror”, Opt. Lett., Vol.38, No. 24, pp.5346-5348 (2013-12) (IF=3.385) 3. M. L. Tsai, J. H. Liao, J. H. Yeh, T. C. Hsu, S. J. Hon, Te-Yuan Chung, and , Kun-Yu Lai* “High-voltage thin-film GaN LEDs fabricated on ceramic substrates: the alleviated droop effect at 670 W/cm²”, Opt. Express., Vol. 21, Iss. 22, pp. 27102-27110 (2013-11). (IF=3.735) 4. Liu Cheng-Yi, C.C. Lai, J.H. Liao, L.C. Cheng, H.H. Liu, C.C. Chang, G.Y. Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Li-Ko Yeh, J.H. He, Te-Yuan Chung, L.C. Huang, and Kun-Yu Lai*, “Nitride-based concentrator solar cells grown on Si substrate”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 117, p. 54-58. (2013). (IF=4.542) 5. Tanant Waritanant, Sakoolkan Boonruang, and Te-Yuan Chung*, “High Angular Tolerance Thin Profile Solar Concentrators Designed Using a Wedge Prism and Diffraction Grating”, Solar Energy, Vol. 87, p. 35-41. (2013). (IF=2.475) 6. Te-yuan Chung*, Ying-Chang Chung, and Sheng-Hui Chen, “Specific series resistance evaluation using photoluminescence signal of Si solar cells”, Opt. Express., Vol. 20, No. S6, p. A822 (2012-09). (IF=3.735) 7. Ching-Cherng Sun*, Ching-Yi Chen, Cheng-Chien Chen, Chih-Yu Chiu, Yi-Ning Peng, Yu-Huan Wang, Tsung-Hsun Yang, Te-Yuan Chung, and Cheng-Yang Chung, “High uniformity in angular correlated-color-temperature distribution of white LEDs from 2800K to 6500K”, Opt. Express.,Vol. 20, No. 6, p. 6622 (2012). (IF=3.735) 8. Te-yuan Chung, Jian-Hong Jhang, Jing-Sian Chen, Yi-Chien Lo, Gwo-Herng Ho, Mount-Learn Wu, and Ching-Cherng Sun*, “A study of large area die bonding materials and their corresponding mechanical and thermal properties”, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol.52, Iss.5, p.872-877 (2012). (IF=1.167) 9. K. Y. Lai, T. Paskova, V. D. Wheeler, T. Y. Chung, J. A. Grenko, M. A. L. Johnson, K. Udwary, E. A. Preble, and K. R. Evans, “Indium incorporation in InGaN/GaN quantum wells grown on m-plane GaN substrate and c-plane sapphire”, Phys. Status Solidi A, Vol. 209, Iss. 3, p. 559–564, (2011) (IF=1.472) 10. Te-Yuan Chung*, Cheng-Yeh Chiang and Chao-Wen Liang, “Volume Bragg Grating-based 70 nm tunable and narrow output spectra from a Ti:sapphire laser”, J. J. App. Phys., Vol. 50, No. 9, p. 092701 (2011). (IF=1.058) 11. Wen-Shing Sun, Chuen-Lin Tien*, Te-Yuan Chung, Ju-Yi Lee, Yan-Nan Lin, Dung-Yi Hsieh, Chia-Feng Yang and Tsai-Wei Lin, “Design and evaluation of a Blu-ray pickup head system for determining the tilt angle and displacement of the test plane”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 49, Iss. 8, p. 1076-1088 (2011) (IF=1.838) 12. Tanant Waritanant, and Te-Yuan Chung*, “Influence of minute self-absorption of a volume Bragg grating used as a laser mirror”, IEEE J. of Quantum Elec. Vol. 47, Iss. 3, p. 390-397 (2011) (IF=1.879) 13. H. W. Tseng, C. T. Lu, Y. H. Hsiao, P. L. Liao, Y. C. Chuang, T. Y. Chung, C. Y. Liu*, “Electromigration-induced failures at Cu/Sn/Cu flip-chip joint interfaces”, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol.50, Iss.8, p.1159-1162 (2010) (IF=1.167) 14. Te-Yuan Chung*, Chien-Jung Liao, Yu-Hung Lien, Sideny S. Yang and Jow-Tsong Shy, “Special laser wavelength generation using a volume Bragg grating as Nd:GdVO4 laser mirror,” J. J. App. Phys, 49, p. 062503 (2010) (IF=1.058) 15. Y. L. Chen, W. W. Chen, C. E. Du, W. K. Chang, J. L. Wang, T. Y. Chung, and Y. H. Chen*, “Narrow-line, cw orange light generation in a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser using volume Bragg gratings,” Opt. Exp., Vol. 17, Issue 25, pp.22578-22585 (2009) (IF=3.753) 16. P. H. Chen, C. L. Lin, Y. K. Liu, T. Y. Chung, and C.-Y. Liu*, “Diamond Heat Spreader Layer for High-Power Thin-GaN Light-Emitting Diodes”, IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett., 20(10), pp. 845-847 (2008) (IF=1.989) 17. Y. H. Chen*, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Lin, and T. Y. Chung, “Diode-pumped, actively internal-Q-switched Nd:MgO:PPLN laser”, Opt. Exp., Vol. 16, Issue. 3, pp. 2048-2055 (2008) (IF=3.753) 18. T. Y. Chung and M. Bass*, “General analysis of slab lasers using geometric optics”, Appl. Opt., Vol. 46, Issue 4, pp. 581-590 (2007) (IF=1.707) 19. T. Y. Chung and M. Bass*, “Temperature independent lasers using output couplers with temperature dependent reflectivity”, Appl Opt., Vol. 45, Issue 36, pp. 9198-9202 (2006) (IF=1.707) 20. B. Chen, Y. Chen, J. Simmons, T. Y. Chung and M. Bass*, “Thermal Lensing of Edge-pumped Slab Lasers-I”, Appl. Phys. B Vol. 82, 413–418 (2006) 21. T. Y. Chung, A. Rapaport, V. Smirnov, L. B. Glebov, M. C. Richardson, and M. Bass*, “Solid-state laser spectral narrowing using a volumetric photothermal refractive Bragg grating cavity mirror”, Opt. Lett, Vol. 32, No. 2, 229-231, (2006) (IF=3.318) 22. C. Ying, A. Rapaport, T. Y. Chung, B. Chen and M. Bass*, “Distribution of fluorescence exiting the surfaces of a Yb:YAG slab laser”, Applied Optics, Vol. 42, Issue 36, 7157-7162, (2003) (IF=1.707) 23. S. C. Jeng, D. Y. Chung, C. C. Liaw, F. H. Yang, J. T. Shy*, T. Lin, and S. Y. Shaw, "Absolute Frequencies of the 133Cs2 Transitions near 1064 nm", Opt. Commun. Vol. 155, 263-269 (1998).

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Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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