
Home Research Research Laboratories
Computational Optics Imaging Laboratory Room No.: IL-013 Phone: +886-3-4227151-65280
Lab Website:

Prof. Chao-Wen Liang


Key Areas

Optical Testing, Optical System Design, Diffractive Element Design, Opto-Mechanical Engineering

Research Descriptions

Optical Testing

Optical Design

Recent Projects

Position Project Project Duration Funding Agent Grant (NT$)
Co-PI Wavelength-Multiplexing Nano-Structural Thin Film Using Symmetric Autocloning Technology 2013-08-01 ~ 2014-07-31 National Science Council 998,800
PI Application of Multifield Aberration Measurement on Precision Opto-Mechanical Alignment and Light Field Imaging 2012-08-01 ~ 2013-07-31 National Science Council 995,000
Sub-project Leader High Speed and High Na Asphere Interferometer: Design, Development, and Applications(III) 2011-08-01 ~ 2012-07-31 National Science Council 3,750,000
PI High Resolution , Aberration Free Light Field Imaging 2011-01-01 ~ 2012-06-30 National Science Council 650,000
Co-PI Development of Multifunction Integrated Optical Circuit (Mioc) for Fiber-Optic Gyroscope Application 2011-01-01 ~ 2012-06-30 National Science Council 3,788,000


3D printer

Zygo Interferometer

Vibration Modulated Interferometer

Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor

Publications and Patents
Journal Papers
1 Chao-Wen Liang, Hung-Sheng Chang, Po-Chih Lin, Cheng-Chung Lee, and Yi-Chun Chen, "Vibration modulated subaperture stitching interferometry," Opt. Express 21, 18255-18260 (2013)
2 Yi-Chun Chen, Po-Chih Lin, Chung-Min Lee, and Chao-Wen Liang, “Iterative phase-shifting algorithm immune to random phase shifts and tilts,” Appl. Opt. 52, 3381-3386 (2013)
3 Te-Yuan Chung, Cheng-Yeh Chiang, and Chao-Wen Liang, “Volume Bragg Grating-Based 70 nm Tunable and Narrow Output Spectra from a Ti:sapphire Laser,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011)
4 Chao-Wen Liang, Chien-Fu Ou, and Jose Sasian, "Phase shifting grating-slit test with a cross slit," Opt. Lett. 35, 496-498 (2010)
5 Chao-Wen Liang, and Chien-Fu Ou, “Phase shifting grating-slit test utilizing a liquid crystal display,” Opt. Rev. 16, 476-478 (2009)
Type of Application Title Nation Inventor(s) Patent (Application) Number/Term of Patent
Image Exposure Supressed Optical System USA Chao-Wen Liang , Jhe-Syuan Lin , Ming-Fang Lau
Optical Device for Coupling to a Camera Lens to Form a Visual Observation System USA Chao-Wen Liang
Surface Profile Measurement Apparatus and Alignment Method Thereof and an Improved Sub-aperture Measurement Data Acquisition Method USA Chao-Wen Liang
Solar Concentrator USA Chao-Wen Liang
Linear Displacement and Lateral Tilt Measuring interferometer USA Chao-Wen Liang

Courses Offered

Optics(I)、Geometrical Optics、Optical Design、Ashpere testing

People Postdoctoral Fellows

Present Students
Ph.D. students:
3rd grade: Hung-sheng Chang and Po-chih Lin(co-adviser)
2nd grade: Jhe-Syuan Lin
MS students:
3rd grade: Tsung-fu Chen
2nd grade: Hong-ru Li and Ting-Qian Lin
Undergraduate students:

Former Students
2008: Chien-Fu Ou and Yong Sheng Tsai
2009: Pen-I Liao
2010: Fu-Ping Shih, Cheng-yao Lin, Hung-sheng Chang and Yan-An Chen
2011: Tseng Wei, Yen-Peng Lee and Jhe-Syuan Lin
2012: Soo-fan Phua, Han-Lin Chen and Sih-han Wu
Research Opportunities

Our main tools are Matlab and CodeV.

Based on optics to design, create and verify a real system or an end product.

You can learn lots of optical testing methods and know how to use the interferometer.

We also have 3D printer to make it more convenient to build a prototype or the experiment requied adapter.

If you're interested in optical system, testing and design, welcome to our lab.

Lab Activities
2012 Oral Party
2012 New year's Party
2011 Solstice Party
2011 Lab Party
2011 Lab Party
2010 Lab Party
2011 Jhe-Syuan's Birthday
2011 Han-Lin's Birthday
Professor and his charming family

Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251FAX:
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