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Tsai, Pin-Ju Assistant Professor
+886-3-4227151 ext 65026

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of physics, National Taiwan University
Work Experience
Research Interests
Quantum optics; Atomic, molecular, and optical physics; Quantum communication
Research Groups Optical CommunicationsLasers

Current Research Areas

Quantum optics is a topic that studies the quantum properties of light and discusses the interaction between light and matter. It covers such as quantum physics, electromagnetism, and atomic, molecular, and optical physics (AOM). In addition, quantum optics also plays an important role in current quantum technology, such as all-optical quantum computing and quantum communication and sensing. Our laboratory will focus on using experimental technology and theoretical research of quantum optics to explore the important applications of quantum communication and solve the bottleneck of current technology in practice. Our research includes:

1. Frequency-encoding quantum information processing

2. Development and measurement of quantum entangled source

3. All-optical quantum repeater protocol

4. Novel quantum key distribution protocol

The above research topics involve optical systems such as nonlinear optical materials, solid-state systems, and semiconductor lasers. Furthermore, our work not only includes experimental research but also focuses on the establishment of theoretical models. We will also theoretically study quantum optics, AOM, and quantum information theory.  By combing theoretical research and experiments, the developed work not only contributes to quantum technology but also deepens our understanding of the nature of quantum mechanics deepen.
Selected Publications
Journal Papers
 No. Title
1 Quantum storage and manipulation of heralded single photons in atomic memories based on electromagnetically induced transparency Pin-Ju Tsai, Ya-Fen Hsiao, and Ying-Cheng Chen Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033155
2 Ultrabright, narrow-band photon-pair source for atomic quantum memories • Invited paper • Selected for Focus on Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Networking Pin-Ju Tsai and Ying-Cheng Chen Quantum Science and Technology 3 (3), 034005
3 Theoretical study of a memory-based optical converter with degenerate Zeeman states Pin-Ju Tsai, Yan-Cheng Wei, Bo-Han Wu, Sheng-Xiang Lin, and Ying-Cheng Chen Physical Review A 100 (6), 063843
4 Broadband coherent optical memory based on electromagnetically induced transparency Yan-Cheng Wei, Bo-Han Wu, Ya-Fen Hsiao, Pin-Ju Tsai, Ying-Cheng Chen Physical Review A 102 (6), 063720
5 Highly efficient coherent optical memory based on electromagnetically induced transparency Ya-FenHsiao, Pin-Ju Tsai, Hung-Shiue Chen, Sheng-Xiang Lin, Chih-ChiaoHung, Chih-Hsi Lee, Yi-Hsin Chen, Yong-Fan Chen, A Yu Ite, and Ying-Cheng Chen Physicalreview letters 120 (18), 183602
Quantum optics Lab


Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251FAX: 886-3-4252897Email:ncu5251@ncu.edu.tw
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